Emergence of hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae

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The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has issued a risk assessment report regarding the emergence of Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae ST23 carrying carbapenemase genes in EU/EEA countries. According to the report, there is an increasing concern that the hvKp ST23 has acquired various genes associated with resistance to carbapenems – a group of antibiotics that are used as a last resort for treating serious infections. The spread of carbapenem-resistant hvKp in healthcare settings is likely to lead to increased morbidity and mortality among vulnerable patients. The ECDC has warned about this potential threat and recommends taking necessary precautions to prevent its spread.

It has been found that the hvKp ST23-K1 lineage, which is the dominant strain globally, has been spreading in healthcare facilities in Ireland for five years. This is despite efforts to control it. There have also been clusters of hvKp ST23-K1 isolates found in France, Latvia, and Lithuania, which may indicate within-country transmission, but more data is needed to confirm this. It is possible that a similar spread is occurring in other EU/EEA countries where surveillance is not as established.

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